Friday, March 2, 2012

Best 18 Months of our life!!!

Grant and I are so glad that we were able to serve a mission together. I would highly recommend it to any couple. It was a wonderful experience and a wonderful time spent as a couple. I am so glad that we went when we did, we had good friends that lived in our house while we were gone and they took such good care of it. We walked out one day and returned 18 months later to have found the house just as we had left it. What a blessing to have good friends like that!! It was good that we went before the economy hit the bottom. We would like to go again but would have to sell two houses and the market it not conducive, we would lose our shirts right now. I would suggest to anyone thinking about a mission to go now and not wait---go while your health is good. We loved the people we served and loved the country we served in!!! England rocks!!!!!! Especially the England Leeds Mission!!!!


Amy said...

I hope we can serve a couple together! Kevin has been sick, so I haven't called to come over. Sorry! Hopefully he will be better next week!

Claudia said...

Just call us, it is just waiting for you.

Hope Kevin gets better.