The other day the city pound called and told me that they had a dachshund that had just be turned in because the family had a new baby and it was allergic to the dog. So I went out and this is the results. We had a new dog. He is about six years old and very mellow. The most important thing too is that he is house broken. He is trying to get used to his new home. Both Grant and I really like the dog. If you are wondering why a dachshund it is the I had one when I was young girl and I have always wanted one since.
What a cute new addition to the Beckstrand home. I hope the adjustment goes well.
I love that you blog! Keep it up!
Great blog I love the picture of the seminary class. And everyone knows I love dogs. When I retire I am gong to raise dogs not to sell just to have....Kidding
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