Sunday, March 23, 2008


We got a called from Sister Kimball last night(Saturday night) around 8:30 pm. for Elder Beckstrand to come and give Sister Lomax a blessing. Sister Lomax was in the hospital and they thought that she was having an appendicitis's attack. We picked up the young Elders and went over there. Elder Beckstrand gave her a blessing and I stayed with the sisters until they found out what they were going to do. They decided not to operate until Sunday morning, they wanted to see if things "settled" . We got home about 11:30 pm and went to bed. Then Sunday morning we went back to the hospital and I stayed with Sister Kimball while Sister Lomax was having the surgery. Elder Beckstrand went to church. Everything thing turned out fine and Sister Lomax came thru the operation with flying colors. Sister Kimball had spent the night at the hospital with Sister Lomax, so we took her to her apartment so that she could get some sleep before we picked her up for visiting hours in the evening. The hospital has very strict rules and visiting hours are very strict. You can only visit between 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. You are not allowed any other time. President and Sister Stock (Mission President and wife) came to visit at 6:30 pm.
Sister Lomax is a fabulous missionary. She is from Chorley, England. Sister Kimball is from Utah. She is a good missionary too.
We are grateful that we can be of assistance to these young missionaries. We love being around them.

1 comment:

Eliza said...

I wanted to come out of the wood work and say hello. I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks and I love hearing your little reports. My name is Eliza Clement and I am Emily White's sister. My five year old daughter was looking at your pictures and pointed at your husband and said, "look mom it's Gordon B. Hinkley when he was a kid." I don't think she meant to say your husband looked like a kid he just looks much younger to her than President Hinkley did. I think she knows a good person when she sees one. Keep up the good work in England!!